Archive for the ‘personal’ Tag

Night shift humor   Leave a comment

Where I worked they were so backward, they put the CCTV inside the building to watch the staff instead of outside to watch the not so safe street…
..they claimed they wanted to make sure staff were not sleeping.
I never managed that once, ever notice when it’s quiet it’s just plain stupid??

Now co workers… night the co worker fell asleep and started snoring
I did not realize of course that he had his phone on receive
Until I answered a call between answering the radio and the guy said
You got someone there who is heaving breathing on people, you might wanna get that checked.

Is ok later that night he fell into the garbage can beside his desk so I did not have to say much.

Same fellow sneezed and his dentures flew across the room.

I was on a call when the teeth flew by, I managed a strangled “One Moment” before bursting into laughter.

Like I said, when it wasn’t crazy busy it was just stupid

Working the Friday night shift…one example   Leave a comment

You walk into work, lovely over night shift on Friday, all the fun that awaits, and as you round the corner into the office, the person who your relieving jumps up and rushes out, saying have a GREAT night.

The radio is quiet…then suddenly everyone and his uncle is calling in.

You haven’t even logged into the computers and sat down.

Then you discover what the furor is inspired by…
..the previous dispatcher sent a message out to all 250 cars
but it was meant for the co worker across the desk from her.

The content of the message gave intense description of how she wanted to open his fly, take him out and suck on him till he cried for mercy.

Welcome to the Friday overnight shift, and that was the tamest part

Sexy girls who..aren’t   Leave a comment

farm girl working in the city,

ahh the delight of working at night

You get to work when most people are going to sleep, okay average people,

Your dealing with a very irate person, who is swearing but not explaining their issue, so you say thank you and silence.

Sometimes saying thank you stops the swearing because, well it’s not the reaction that they want or expect…
…so okay now you can tell me what the issue is..?

And you have 3 people standing there wanting something, and chatting to each other as this person strolls in, dressed to the 9s, high heels, sexy slinky dress, hair and nails…
..asking for you to call them a cab.

They saunter out and you, she is pretty.

One of the guys leans down and says, your pretty, that guy isn’t.



OOoops…sometimes you can’t tell so easy..who would have thunk it.